Healthy Snacks and Tricks at Home
As many of us are found working from home, or simply at home for the majority of our days, it is time we really tune in on the best foods...

BOTH! Healthy does not have to take long! Here's what's on the lunch menu today at the office: Quinoa & beans (pulled from freezer in the...

Today I brought an entire head of cabbage into work and after LESS THAN 5 MINUTES of prep I had a snack ready to go! TOOLS NEEDED:...

Cheap, Quick, Roasted Zucchini
There is so much you can do with zucchini, and it's not expensive, and it doesn't take long! Check out this recipe below, it has less...

Chia Seed Pudding
I quickly prepped something last night for this morning's breakfast and these frozen berries were involved. Can anybody guess what it...

Back to where it started
Our newest provider Sheila has now been with us for about 10 months and we're growing stronger than ever before! If you want to read...

Morris Cardio Hike!
Join us on Sunday, April 28th, 2019 at City Park to celebrate National ParkRx Day! We look forward to getting outside, getting active,...

IS Food Medicine?
Hippocrates thinks so! "Let food be they medicine and medicine by thy food." Read more HERE in this article from TIME Magazine! "...And...

Our provider Sheila was recently published in Disease Reversal Digest regarding useful techniques for improving sleep and why quality...

What's For Breakfast?
Most common breakfast items include some form of meat, however with cholesterol values going up, increased evidence of arterial blockages...